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Walmart PriceSync Integration
Walmart PriceSync Integration
Adam Angelo Privaldos avatar
Written by Adam Angelo Privaldos
Updated over 2 weeks ago


Users that sell on both Amazon and Walmart Marketplaces can enable Seller Snap's price propagation solution - PriceSync.

Once configured and enabled, the integration will work to align the price of the Amazon SKU to its Walmart SKU counterpart. The price will sync every 10 minutes.

Setting up the integration is done in 2 steps:

Configure and Enable Walmart PriceSync

Step 1: Enter Walmart Details.

Users can begin the process of enabling Walmart PriceSync by going to Store Settings and finding the Walmart Marketplace tile within the Integrations Tab.

Users who have multiple stores will need to select 1 store to see the Store Settings.

Click configure and provide the required Walmart details:

The Partner ID is a unique 11-digit identifier found in Walmart's Seller Center menu and is located below the company name.

The Client and Secret Keys are API access authorizations that sellers can create in the Walmart Developer Portal. This Walmart article has further details.

  1. In the Walmart Developer Portal, click My Account.

  2. Click Add New Key For A Solution Provider.

  3. Select Seller Snap among the list of Solution Providers.

  4. Seller Snap will require full access to the seller's Walmart Feeds, Item Management, and Order Management. Refer to the screenshot below:

Users should now have the Client Key and the Secret Key generated to enter at the Seller Snap Integration tile.

To end this step, users should see the status turn from Off to In Progress:

Users should now have access to the Walmart PriceSync columns for use later on:

Users have these available via the Columns Menu in the Listings page.

Step 2: Create a CSV file to map Amazon SKUs to Walmart SKUs.

Users will need to create a CSV file that links SKUs in Seller Snap's database with their counterparts on Walmart's platform.

Create a CSV with the following 3 columns:


Refers to the SKU in Amazon.


The SKU in Walmart.


Enable/Disable PriceSync; ON/OFF only.

This is what it might look like:

Save the file as a CSV and upload the file to Seller Snap via the Import Walmart Mapping button located under the Actions menu button found on the Listings Page:

It is important to select the Import Walmart Mapping button.

In the same menu, click Export Walmart Mapping. The file will confirm what the Seller Snap database has.

Disabling Price Sync

Disabling can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Import a CSV file.

  2. Disable via Columns

Users can enable/disable PriceSync via the columns:

Users will need to configure their listings page to show these columns.

Walmart Price Sync

Enables or disables price syncing to Walmart.

Walmart SKU

Shows the mapped Walmart SKU.

Removing SKU from Walmart PriceSync

It is possible to remove a SKU from PriceSync as well. To do this, type "delete" in the walmart_sku column:

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know if the integration has been enabled successfully?

Users may check the integration tile found in the Store Settings. The Walmart Marketplace tile should have the Status turned from In Progress to ON:

How often does the price update?

Seller Snap syncs the price every 10 minutes.

Why did I receive an error?

Users might receive 2 types of errors:

"Could not found Amazon Listing" - for when the listing does not exist in the store on Seller Snap's end.

"Walmart listing not found" - for when the listing does not exist on Walmart's end.

To fix either error, make sure that the listings are in their respective marketplaces and that the names are correct.

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