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Adam Angelo Privaldos avatar
Written by Adam Angelo Privaldos
Updated over a month ago

In This Article


When selling certain brands, sellers may be required to have a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP).

In Seller Snap, users will be able to input a MAP by first enabling MAP functionality in the Store Settings under the Repricing Tab.

Once the setting is toggled ON and Saved, certain functionalities for the feature will become available. Among them will be the ability to Push MAP that the user sets within Seller Snap to Amazon Seller Central. A previously hidden MAP column will also become available for your Listings Table that can be toggled to show via the Columns menu button on the Listings Page.

Aside from showing the MAP, The column can be used as a way to quickly input a MAP for a listing.

Users will also be able to see an option within the Edit Listings Window to input the MAP:

Lastly, users may now import a CSV file to update MAP for their listings. The column names needed are SKU and MAP, like so:

(BETA) Pushing MAP to Amazon

Users that use Seller Snap to key in their MAP for their listings have the option to send the MAP values to Amazon. To accomplish this, users simply need to toggle the switch found right below the Support MAP option found in the Store Settings under the Repricing tab.

Preventing Repricing Below MAP Price

Seller Snap users are able to set MAP prices that differ from their min price. From there, users are able to choose how they want to observe MAP.

In order to observe the MAP price, click on the edit button next to the title of your listing to take you to the edit window.

From the "Repricing Setting Tab" users can select or deselect the option to 'prevent reprice below MAP''. Alternatively, users can also set this as part of a condition. To apply this to all MAP listings, users can create a preset for MAP and then apply it to all listings via bulk edit or import.

Repricing Below MAP Conditionally

There may be times when users want to conditionally reprice below MAP such as:

  • Time of Day

  • No Purchase in X amount of time

  • If a certain seller exists

In order to accomplish this, users should set the default method and include the "prevent reprice below MAP" option and add the relevant condition without the MAP box checked.

*When using the time of day condition, remember that times are in GMT only so convert if necessary.

To apply this to all MAP listings, users can create a preset for MAP and then apply it to all listings via bulk edit or import.

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