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Listing Table Metrics Glossary (Column Names)
Listing Table Metrics Glossary (Column Names)
Adam Angelo Privaldos avatar
Written by Adam Angelo Privaldos
Updated over a month ago

The Listing page in Seller Snap's dashboard shows all SKUs and data collected from Amazon for the selected store. To help sellers understand the terms and metrics used in this section, below is a glossary.

NOTE: Seller Snap only supports and displays listings that are in New condition. Other Conditions such as Used/Like New are unsupported and are not shown.

For customizing Columns and Views please visit the following articles:

The following columns are available for each SKU:

  1. Additional Cost - Column available upon request. To be used as required.

  2. Amazon Fees - The Amazon fee structure as returned by the Amazon fee estimate API. Also, includes information on the Reduced Profit Range where applicable.

  3. Avg BB Share - Your average buy box share in the selected date range (last 7 days by default including yesterday).

  4. Avg Selling Price - Based on the selected time period, the average price you sold this item for.

  5. Avg Win Price - Your average buy box winning price in the selected date range (last 7 days by default including yesterday).

  6. Avg. Win Price 24h - Your average buy box winning price (i.e. the average price when the listing was in the buy box) during the last 24 hours. An increase in this value means you are getting the buy box at a higher price.

  7. BB Share 24h - Your buy box share for the listing in the last 24 hours. This value is calculated every hour.

  8. Business Price - The discount given on the regular price, if the buyer is using a business account in Amazon.

  9. Cost - The SKU cost. This is updated by the user (in UI or via CSV import)

  10. Cur Sales Rank - Amazon bestseller rank by category and sub-category updated from Amazon

  11. Current Buybox Price - The landed price that is currently in the Buy Box in Amazon and the fulfillment method in the Buy Box (FBA or FBM).

  12. Date Created - This column shows the date that items were added to Amazon (not Seller Snap). Sorting on this column will show the newest listings that were added from Amazon and haven't been set for repricing yet.

  13. Days In Stock - The number of days when the listing was in stock in the selected date range. A listing is considered to be in stock if the fulfillable quantity at the end of the day was larger than zero (0) or if there were orders during that day.

  14. Est. Out Of Stock - Date This is an estimation of when the item will run out of stock. This is calculated based on the Fulfillable Quantity of the listing and its Velocity. If the listing is FBA, it is based on the "FBA Available Quantity" instead.

  15. FBA Available Quantity - Fulfillable Quantity + Reserved FC Transfer + Reserved FC Processing + FBA Inbound Quantity

  16. FBA Inbound Quantity - Inbound Shipped Quantity + Inbound Receiving Quantity

  17. FBA Reserved Quantity - Reserved Customer Orders + Reserved FC Transfer + Reserved FC Processing

  18. FBA Total Quantity - Total Warehouse Quantity + Total Inbound Quantity

  19. FBA Warehouse Quantity - Fulfillable Quantity + Unsellable Quantity + Reserved Quantity + Researching Quantity

  20. FNSKU - the Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit is created by Amazon to identify which seller owns a product. It is used to track the product within Amazon's inventory system and fulfillment (FBA) processes.

  21. Fulfillable Quantity - Fulfillable quantity pulled from Amazon.

  22. Fulfillment - The fulfillment channel of the SKU (either FBA or FBM) as pulled from Amazon.

  23. Fulfillment Cost - If the listing is FBA, this is the estimated FBA fee as returned by Amazon fee estimate API. If the listing is FBM the fulfillment cost must be updated by the user (optional) and represents the cost of fulfilling the order (and not the shipping price charged from the buyer on Amazon)

  24. GMV - Gross Merchandise Value = Total Quantity * Cost

  25. Historical Days of Supply - a value from Amazon that "is calculated based on average daily inventory units on hand divided by average daily shipped units, over both the long term (last 90 days) and short term (last 30 days)". In Seller Snap, it can be used to manage low inventory fees.

  26. Inv. Age 0 - 30 - amount of stock held for 30 days or less

  27. Inv. Age 31- 60 - amount of stock held between 31 - 60 days

  28. Inv. Age 61 - 90 - amount of stock held between 61 - 90 days

  29. Inv. Age 91 - 180 - amount of stock held between 91 - 180 days

  30. Inv. Age 181 - 270 - amount of stock held between 181 - 270 days

  31. Inv. Age 271 - 365 - amount of stock held between 271 - 365 days

  32. Inv. Age 365+ - amount of stock held over 365 days

  33. Inv. Value - Total Quantity * Cost (Formerly known as GMV)

  34. Listed Price - Your current listed price on Amazon (not including shipping price).

  35. MAP - Minimum advertised price

  36. Markup On Cost - Based on selling at your minimum price, the percentage markup you would make

  37. Max Price - The maximum listed price (not including shipping price on Amazon ). The repricer will never send a listed price higher than the maximum price.

  38. Min Price - The minimum listed price (not including shipping price on Amazon ) that you are willing to sell for. This determines the lowest limit for the Repricer and we will never send a listed price that is lower than the minimum price. NOTE: If the minimum price isn't set, the listing will not be repriced.

  39. MPN - Manufacture Product Number

  40. Note - Allows you to enter a note for a listing up to 255 characters.

  41. Num of Comp. - Number of competitors on the listing (FBA and FBM). If you are an FBA seller and the number of FBA comp = 0, it means you are the only FBA seller on this listing. If toggled ON in the store settings; the column will also include the lowest SFP price.

  42. Ordered Items - Total number of items ordered in the selected date range.

  43. Pkg Height - Package height according to Amazon

  44. Pkg Length - Package length according to Amazon

  45. Pkg Volume - Package volume according to Amazon

  46. Pkg Width - Package width according to Amazon

  47. Profit Margin - Profit Margin in the selected date range, calculated as profit/revenue

  48. Profits After Returns - Total Profit - Profit from returned items for time period selected

  49. Promo. Reduced Prof. Range - The range where selling an item will be slightly less profitable by selling in the given range, created by the REF. Fee Promos.

  50. REF. Fee Promo - List of Amazon Referral Fee Promos available to Sellers. The newest/current promos are shown on top. This column includes a checkbox to avoid an RPR that is created by these promos.

  51. Reference Price (List Price): The list price of the item as suggested by the manufacturer.

  52. Reimbursed Cash - Total amount of money to be received back for reimbursed items on specific listings in your date range search

  53. Reimbursed Inv - Number of items sent back to Amazon and available in inventory after reimbursements

  54. Return Rate - Number of Returned Items / Number of Sales (as a %)

  55. Returned Items - Number of returned items in time period selected

  56. Returns' Cost - Fulfillment cost + label cost if the return is payable by the seller

  57. Rev. After Returns - Number of Returned Items / Number of Sales (as a %)

  58. ROI - Return On Investment, calculated as profit divided by cost (not including shipping cost, Amazon fees, or other sales-related costs).

  59. Ship Price - The shipping price displayed on Amazon

  60. Small and Light - Indicates if the item is classified as " FBA Small and Light" by Amazon.

  61. Small and Light Fee - To be filled in by seller, the fee charged by Amazon for items classified as "FBA Small and Light."

  62. Title - The product title as displayed in Amazon, the ASIN (link to product page on Amazon), and the SKU.

  63. Total Profit - Estimated total profit in the selected date range, based on revenue, cost (if added by user), fulfillment cost (FBA fee or FBM shipping cost), Amazon referral fee.

  64. Total Profit. Diff - Shows you the difference between current profit and previous profit for time period selected.NOTE: Profit calculation is estimated and can only be calculated if cost is provided (and if FBM, estimated shipping cost).

  65. Total Profit. Prev - Shows profit for the previous period in a separate column that can be exported.

  66. Total Rev. - Estimate total revenue in the selected date range, as calculated from orders that were made during this date range.

  67. Total Rev. Diff - Shows the difference between current revenue and previous revenue for time period selected.

  68. Total Rev. Prev - Shows revenue for the previous period in a separate column that can be exported.

  69. Velocity - Average items sold per day in the selected date range excluding days when the SKU was out of stock.

  70. Walmart Price Sync - Relates to the Walmart Price Sync integration; Enables the syncing of prices from Seller Snap to Walmart.

  71. Walmart SKU - Relates to the Walmart Price Sync integration; shows the mapped SKU.

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