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Bulk Edit
Adam Angelo Privaldos avatar
Written by Adam Angelo Privaldos
Updated over a month ago


Bulk Edit allows users to conveniently amend and manage multiple listings quickly directly from the listings table.

Users may begin using this feature by toggling the checkboxes found on the Listings Page:

Using the Bulk Edit Feature

Users can easily edit multiple listings by selecting the checkboxes that are located next to the listings they wish to modify.

Once selected, editing options (1) will appear.

The Editing Options are:

  1. Edit "x" Listings (see section Selecting Multiple Specific Listings to Edit)
    This option will only edit the listings users have personally selected.

  2. Edit all Listings in Filter (see section Filtering and Selecting ALL Listings to Edit)
    The Bulk Edit feature is incorporated into Seller Snap's Filters system through both the Listing States and the advanced Filter options.

    Users may make use of either or both the Listing States and other Filters and then select this option to Select ALL listings that currently fall under what the users have set.

    Note: Selecting this option will include the listings that are not visible on the current page for as long as those listings fall under the Filters that users set.

Selecting Multiple Specific Listings to Edit

In this example, a user wants to select 3 listings that have the Repricer OFF and wants to turn all 3 of these ON.

After selecting the 3 listings and clicking the Edit 3 Listings button, a pop-up will appear where users can make their desired changes.

Make sure to select the appropriate Field to change; in this case, Repricing, and simply turn the Value to ON.

Users would then need to click on Update to set the changes.

A notification will appear at the top-right corner of the Seller Snap UI to confirm that the changes are being executed. It will also notify users when the changes are done.

Users will need to click 'Complete Update' to view the changes.

The listings should now be updated.

Filtering and Selecting ALL Listings to Edit

A great way to use the Bulk Edit feature is to make use of the advanced filtering options. This can help users select very specific SKUs quickly and make changes to them.

For this example, a user wants to turn the Repricer ON for all the listings that are in stock and are currently not being repriced.

To do this, users can click on Filters and for example, set the following:

Once the filter has been applied, the user should see it on the Main Listing Page.

The Filters showing here indicate what the user has filtered for. (1)

Next, users will need to bring up the Bulk Edit Options by selecting any listings via their checkbox on the current filter. (2)

Once the Edit Listing Options show up, users will need to click on "Edit all listings in filter". (3)

This will select all the listings that are currently filtered instead of just the one currently marked with the check.

Note: Selecting the "Edit all listings in filter" option will include the listings that are not visible on the current page for as long as those listings fall under the Filters that the user has set.

Once selected, the Editing window will come up and users can set the changes to be made.

For this example, the field should be set to Repricing while the value should be set to ON.

Clicking Update will begin the process.

When using Bulk Edit with filters applied, users may encounter a pop-up:

This message informs users that if a listing’s state changes before the update is applied, it will no longer be included in the Bulk Edit process, as it will no longer meet the specified filter criteria.

For example, if a listing goes out of stock before the system applies the edit, it will be excluded from the Bulk Edit process. This is because it no longer meets the filter criteria set by the user (e.g., in stock and not being repriced).

Accepting this disclaimer will move the process forward and a notification will appear at the top-right corner of the screen.

Users will need to refresh the page once successful.

Filters remain active even if no listings match the criteria due to changes in listing states. This can result in the current / view search as empty. Users can set a new filter, clear the filters, or select a new View.

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