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FAQ: How do I Follow a Specific Competitor?
FAQ: How do I Follow a Specific Competitor?
Adam Angelo Privaldos avatar
Written by Adam Angelo Privaldos
Updated over a month ago

In This Article


Although Seller Snap is an AI Game Theory Repricer, there are times in which users may require more specific strategies or rule-based options for unique situations. For example, following a specific competitor.

Follow Competitor

This repricing method allows you to input the seller ID of a specific competitor then choose an amount or percent to compete by.

Users can create repricing presets by clicking on the Settings, then navigating to Repricing Presets. Alternatively, this is can be complete on a listing-by-listing basis via the listing pop-up.

When the competitor is Amazon, input amazon as seen below.

Be aware: If this tool is utilized, and the competitor exits the ASIN, Seller Snap will deactivate repricing. Therefore, Seller Snap recommends using this tool as part of a condition with a different default repairing method.

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