How to Analyze Data in Seller Snap

In This Article


Seller Snap has a whole suite of tools to analyze data. Knowing how to use them will lead to success.

A successful business relies on many factors, decision-making among them. This means that it is important that sellers have access to data for better business decisions.

Data analysis enables sellers to identify which products are performing and potentially predict market trends. Such insights empower sellers to make informed decisions that drive their business forward.

This article aims to familiarize users with Seller Snap's data analysis tools, equipping them with the capability to maximize sales.

Finding Non-Competitive Listings

When a situation occurs where the buybox price is below the user's configured min price, Seller Snap will not be able to compete for the buybox. This is because Seller Snap will only price within the min-max range.

To help with this, users can easily filter out listings affected by this issue.

Users need only click on the Non-Competitive View and the listings will be shown.

Selecting the Non Competitive View will filter for listings that cannot compete for the buybox.

After finding the listings, users should review and adjust the minimum prices as needed to ensure the buybox price falls within the min-max range. This adjustment will enable Seller Snap to compete for the buybox.

Using the Comparison Tool

Data analytics wouldn't be complete without a comparison tool.

Users are able to view aggregated data in Seller Snap by setting the date range of the store or search for a specific SKU.

For example:

In the last 7 days, this SKU has earned a total revenue of 5344.50 while the previous 7-day period covering June 7-June 13 only earned 3290.50, earning a total revenue difference of 2054.

Setting specific date ranges is also possible.

Maximizing Columns for Success

The Columns in Seller Snap are crucial as they allow users to view specific data. By default, users will find columns set up and already arranged on their Listings page. However, using the Columns menu, users can add, remove, and arrange them in any order they prefer.

Click the button to open the Columns Menu.

The Columns Menu will have 2 panels:

On the Hidden panel, users may select the ones they wish to show.

The Visible panel will show columns already on the Listings table; selecting them and then using the arrows will change their positions on that table.

Premium users will have the option to create their own Views.

Customizing Seller Snap's AI Repricer to Reach Sales Goals

Seller Snap recognizes that while our AI will do its best to learn and react to the ever changing competitive environment, there are instances where it might not be the best approach.

In such cases, it is best to customize the repricing behavior and this can be done in 2 places:

  1. Listing level - for a single SKU.
  2. Store Level Repricing Preset - A repricing preset is essentially a collection of conditions and rules that affect repricing behavior. This can be created and applied to many listings and be changed whenever needed.

For this article, we will create a simple Store Level Repricing Preset that can be applied to any listing.

Creating a Repricing Preset to Apply an Aggressive Behavior if there is no Sale

After navigating to Store Settings > Repricing Presets and naming a new preset, the first thing users need to do is to choose a Default Repricing Method. This is what the Repricing Preset's base repricing strategy is - where if no conditions are true, this is what will be applied.

There are many repricing methods that can be applied.

Select AI Repricer.

Click Add Condition.

Click on the dropdown menu that appears and select "No Purchase".

The "No Purchase" Condition works where the number of hours set will trigger a new Repricing Method, instead of the Default Repricing Method.

Input the number of hours that will be the trigger for the condition.

Apply the Repricing Method: Win Buybox - an aggressive form of the AI that does not shy away from a price war and will target a percentage of the buybox to win.

Set a high (80% or above) Target Buybox Share.

Save the Repricing Preset.

You are now ready to apply this Repricing Preset to any single listing or in Bulk.

To apply to a single listing, users may select it via the Repricing Column found on the Listings Page:

Select the Preset you wish to apply to the listing.

Alternatively, users may also use the Bulk Edit feature. A separate guide is available to explore its full capability, but users can simply select or filter for the listings and choose the option for Repricing Preset:

Another option is for users to import a CSV file. The article delves deep into this but essentially, users need only the SKU and reprice_config_preset columns. It should look like this:

IMPORTANT: Users must use the exact name of the preset name - including capitalization.

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