Repricing Method: Win Buybox

In This Article

What is Win BuyBox and how does repricing work when enabled?

The Win Buybox method provides users with the ability to set the desired percentage share of the Buybox which the system will attempt to obtain. 

When a listing is set to Win Buybox users are able to select their desired buy box share. The maximum users can input is 95% of the buy box share. In Win Buybox, the repricer will make pricing recommendations every 6 minutes.

What is the best use of Win Buybox?

The Win Buybox strategy is an aggressive repricing method and is recommended for sellers that want to liquidate inventory or aren’t concerned with commencing price wars with competitors. 

How can I apply Win BuyBox to my listings?

Users with presets may assign these by Bulk Edit or importing a CSV file. They may also do so individually from within the listings table or through the Edit Listings Window where conditions can be added as well.

Read more about other  Alternative Repricing Methods

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