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Returns Data
Adam Angelo Privaldos avatar
Written by Adam Angelo Privaldos
Updated over a month ago

In This Article


*Note* Returns are calculated based on the date of sale of that item. If you had a return in the last 7 days but the purchase date was 1 month ago, the return will not show up in the last 7 days view

Premium customers can see returns data in the listings table. The columns you can make visible are:

Returns' Costs: Fulfillment cost + label cost if the return is payable by seller

Returned Items: Number of returned items in time period selected

Revenue After Returns: Total Revenue - Revenue from returned items for time period selected

Profit After Returns: Total Profit - Profit from returned items for time period selected

Return Rate: Number of Returned Items / Number of Sales (as a %)

Reimbursement Data Columns

Reimbursed Cash - the total amount of money you will receive back for reimbursed items on specific listings in your date range search.

Reimbursed Inventory - number of items sent back to Amazon and available in inventory after reimbursements.

To show Total Reimbursed Cash - the total amount of reimbursements on all products, select the 'include returns' checkbox in the top right-hand corner of the platform:


There are two filters to use for returns data.

Returned Items and Return Rate.

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