Seller Snap can pull consolidated Advertising Data from Amazon.
It's useful for Private Label Sellers looking to expand their reach and generate awareness for their brand and products.
Advertising Data can be enabled in the Store Settings. And once done, the data can be found in the Analytics section of the Listings Page. Columns relating to Advertising Data would also be available from this point on.
Enabling Advertising Data
For Seller Snap to begin receiving Advertising Data from Amazon, users must go to the Store Settings and authenticate their Amazon Advertising account under the Advertising Tab.
Click Login with Amazon to commence the authorization process.
Finally, use your Amazon credentials to log in and authorize Seller Snap to access advertising data.
Advertising Data
Enabling Advertising Data will affect criticaldata points such as Revenue, Profit, Profit Margin, as well as ROI because Advertising Spend will be incorporated into their respective calculations.
Users can include or exclude advertising data as part of the aggregations by checking the below box.
Advertising Specific Columns
ACOS (Average Cost of Sales)
CTR (Clickthrough Rate)
Conversion Rate
CPC (Cost-per-Click)
Profit After Ad Spend
Profit Margin After Ad Spend
Return After Ad Spend
ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)
Users can add the above columns to their view via the columns tool.
Filter Options
When Advertising Data is turned ON, users are able to use specific filters to find SKUs that match a certain query to the system.
Users can first set a date range and then click Filters to specify the Advertising Data they want to find:
ACOS (Average Cost of Sales)
BuyConversion Rate (Conv. Rate)
Clickthrough Rate (CTR)
Cost-per-Click (CPC)
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)