Getting Started Checklist

Step 1: Create an account

Step 2: Set your min and max prices

Step 3: Turn on repricing

Create An Account

To create a Seller Snap account, follow this link.

Setting Mins & Maxs

Once your account has been created, the next step is to set min and max prices. There are three main ways to set Min & Max prices in Seller Snap:

CSV Import

The fastest way to update Min & Max prices is via a CSV import. Users will need to create a spreadsheet with the following columns.

  • sku
  • min_price
  • max_price

It is also possible to import Cost (Buy Cost) and to enable Repricing via this import with the following spreadsheet column headers.

  • cost
  • repricing

Users can then navigate to the Listings Page in order to upload the CSV.

Here are detailed instructions on CSV imports.

Markup % or Profit Margin

Users can import their Costs (COGS), and Seller Snap will automatically calculate Min & Max prices based on either ROI %, Markup %, or Profit Margin %.

This article will show you how to change between the three different methods.

Setting Mins & Maxs using Markup % or Profit Margin

Below is a quick video that explains how to set Min & Max automatically using ROI %, Markup %, or Profit Margin %.

For a deeper step-by-step, check out this article.

Update Manually

To set min and max, users can simply find the appropriate column and click on the field they wish to edit.


Alternatively, users may also use the Edit Listings Window by clicking on the green edit icon, as shown below.


This will redirect users Edit Listings Window where the Seller Snap Min & Max Calculator is found.

Turn On Repricing

There are three main ways to set Min & Max prices in Seller Snap.

  • Bulk Edit
  • CSV Imports
  • Update Manually

Bulk Edit

The easiest way to turn on repricing is with Bulk Edit, which allows users to easily turn on repricing, or update other fields, easily.

CSV Imports

Users may enable repricing with a CSV import. Users will need to create a spreadsheet with the following columns.

  • sku
  • repricing

Update Manually

It is also possible to enable repricing on a listing-by-listing basis via the Listing Table.

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