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Filters Tool
Adam Angelo Privaldos avatar
Written by Adam Angelo Privaldos
Updated over a month ago

In this Article


Filters allow users to analyze data by selecting the data points they wish to see. Seller Snap provides many different metrics that can be used to isolate listings or show them together.

The tool is accessed by clicking on the Filters button found in the Listings page, pictured below:

Simple Filters

Filters can be selected via dropdown menus on the right-hand side of the screen. Some commonly used filters included Fulfilment Channel, Inventory State, Listings with Cost, etc.

Customizable Filters

Users are also able to further refine their search by utilizing Customizable Filters.

When defining Customizable Filters, users can create tailored categorizations for deeper analysis, below are some of the metrics users can use:

A common use case for the Filters tool is to find listings that have their MIN price above the Current Buybox value to reassess the price range.

The screenshot below shows how to utilize this by the following syntax:

  • Current Buybox price Min Price

Users can add multiple Customizable Filters simultaneously by clicking Add Filter.


Advanced Diagnostic Filters

Premium Subscribers also have access to a broader array of technical analytics filters.

Advanced Diagnostic Filters allow users to get granular data on their store. Users are able to filter on listings that have not had orders, B2B data, returned items and more.

Saving and Deleting Filter Presets

Users may save their chosen Filters for a quicker search in the future. A Filter Preset can be saved by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom of the screen.

Once saved, the Filter Preset can be found via the Apply Preset drop-down box located at the top of the Filters Menu. Selecting the preset here will also reveal the option to delete it.

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