How does repricing work when using "Set to Min Price" or "Max Price"?
The "Set to Min Price" and "Set to Max Price" repricing methods allow users to adjust a listing's price by applying a Factor. This Factor is used to multiply the current Min or Max price, determining the new Listed Price.
The example above illustrates a Factor of 1.5. For instance, if the Min is 10, applying a Factor of 1.5 increases the listed price by 50%, resulting in 15. However, this listed price will never exceed the Max price set for the listing.
Important: The Factor for 'Set Price to Min' must be 1 or higher, while for 'Set Price to Max,' it must be 1 or lower.
When should users use the Set to Min/Max Price?
These methods are best used in conjunction with other conditions for specific scenarios. For example, it can be applied when a seller becomes the only seller of an ASIN and wants to quickly adjust the price to the Min or Max.
These methods are also useful for setting the price of a back-ordered listing or setting the price to the Min when the buybox is suppressed to a certain percentage.
How can I Set to Min and Max Price on my listings?
Users can create repricing presets and apply them to multiple listings.
Presets may be assigned via Bulk Edit or importing a CSV file.
Users may also set them up individually on a SKU through the Edit Listings Window from within the listings table.
Alternative Repricing Methods are available.