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Add, Edit, and Manage Users
Add, Edit, and Manage Users
Adam Angelo Privaldos avatar
Written by Adam Angelo Privaldos
Updated over a week ago


Account owners have administrative access and can manage all users for their stores.

Managing Users

Account owners will find the Manage Users tab under the Account page when they click their name at the top-right corner.

The Manage Users tab will list all the current users as well as have the ability to add and edit the existing ones across all stores for an account.

Adding Users

To add users, click on the Add User button.

In the New User window, administrators may create a user's profile by adding the necessary fields:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Password

Administrators may optionally select a default Store and Primary store for the user.

  • Stores: When an account has multiple stores, the admin can select which stores the user has access to.

  • Primary Store: is the default store a user will see when they log in

Once created, the user will receive an email with their credentials and a link to Seller Snap.

When logging in for the first time, users will be prompted to change their passwords.

Editing Users

Under the Actions column, account owners or administrators may edit a user's profile through the Edit button.

In the Edit User window, administrators can:

  • Change the password for a user

  • Add or remove stores a user has access to

  • Choose a Primary Store for the user - which is the store they will see by default when they log in.

Deleting Users

To delete a user, the administrator will need to click on the Delete button denoted by the red trashcan.

Please note that this process is not reversible so the administrator will need to confirm this action:

Once done, the user's profile will be deleted and all access related will be revoked.

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