Only Account Owners or users with the Seller Admin role may cancel account subscriptions.
How to Cancel Seller Snap Subscription
Open a Support Ticket:
Navigate to the Help menu in the top-right corner of the app.
Select Contact Support and submit your cancellation request.
Email Support:
Users have the option to send an email for the cancelation request to:
[email protected]
What Happens After Cancellation?
Once your cancellation request is submitted, here’s what you can expect:
Access Until the End of Billing Period:
Unless otherwise stated, users will retain access to all Seller Snap features, including repricing, until the end of the current billing period.
After the billing period ends, the account's users will no longer have access.
Important Notice: 24-Hour Cancelation Policy
To ensure smooth processing, users MUST submit their cancelation request at least 24 hours before the start of the next billing cycle. This will allow the Seller Snap team sufficient time to process the cancellation request.
Follow-Up from Seller Snap
Once the request is received, a member of the Seller Snap team will reach out to the Account Admin/Owner to confirm and finalize the cancellation process.
For any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the support team.